IPVC 2024
IPVC 2024
36th International Papillomavirus Conference
& Basic, Clinical and Public Health Scientific Workshops
November 12-15, 2024, Edinburgh, UK
With the overarching theme “Equitable, Evidence-Based Approaches to HPV Disease”, IPVC 2024 promises to be a platform for the reporting of cutting-edge, international, HPV research.
Workshops organized by key opinion leaders in the field will provide an opportunity for delegates to hear “state of the art” developments in basic science, public health, and clinical science. A dedicated early careers track will also provide the opportunity for young scientists to network and showcase their work.
The Special Interest Satellite Symposium Proposal Submission is now open, so we are waiting for your submissions until October 31, 2024.
We look forward to welcoming you to IPVC 2024!
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