Maternal Fetal Medicine Conference

Prof. Gerard H.A. Visser, Prof. Asma Khalil and Prof. Diogo Ayres-de-Campos together with EXTEMPORE (provider of continuing medical education in Europe and Ukraine) are delighted to invite the members of the “ROYAL COLLEGE OF FRENCH-SPEAKING OBSTETRICIANS GYNECOLOGISTS OF BELGIUM” to join The 9th annual Conference "Maternal Fetal Medicine"-2023. It’s a virtual Conference with streaming dates on 21st-22d of April 2023, and recording access for a 2 months period. Conference registration page is https://english.extempore.
info/mfm_2023 This event is the FMF supported Conference and Has been accredited by EACCME (with 10 CME credits).
Conference languages are English, Spanish, and Ukrainian (simultaneous translation will be provided).
The Conference is world recognized by participants for engaging the brilliant team of keynote speakers, trailblazing scientific programs and low fees.
This year we devoted a 7 session's scientific program to the wide range of sharp and controversial topics such as preterm birth, gestational diabetes and obesity, maternal disease in pregnancy, fetal ultrasound (first trimester, abnormalities detection), preeclampsia, antenatal fetal monitoring, twins and multiple pregnancies.
The scientific committee and speakers’ team are formed from world-known experts as Katia Bilardo, Simon Meagher, Basky Thilaganathan, Kypros Nicolaides, Diego Ayres-de-Campos, Asma Khalil, Gerard H.A. Visser, Dario Paladini, Bernard Benoit, Ashok Khurana, Maria Mar de Gil, Ramen Chmait, Francesc Figueras, Yariv Yogev, Karl Oliver Kagan, Cath Williamson, Zarko Alfirevic, Ashok Khurana, Liesbeth Lewi and others.
We will be grateful if you share the invitation with your colleagues who might be interested in participating.
Looking forward to seeing you among the Conference participants!
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