ONLINE - 12th Prenatal Diagnosis Conference

Dear Colleague,
We hope you are all safe and handling the grim reality and loss caused by this COVID-19 pandemic as well as possible. Sadly, even some of our speakers have caught and have overcome the virus, on their way to full recovery. We send them and anyone affected best wishes for a speedy recovery from all of us.
We welcome you to join us for the 12th Annual Prenatal Diagnosis and Maternal-Fetal/Obstetrics Conference – TO BE HOSTED ONLINE.
We have been anxiously watching the developments of the COVID-19 pandemic. We reviewed the grim expert predictions that the pandemic will not resolve for quite a while, and have therefore made the determination that the safest option is for the conference to go on as scheduled, but WILL BE HOSTED ONLINE. You and our speakers will participate from you homes and offices.
All lectures and sessions will be presented as scheduled and except for Hands On session that will be taking place at a later safer times, all lectures will be presented as planned by our leading faculty.
CME/CEU credits will be provided to all registered participants.
The registration for the June conference is ongoing, abstracts are submitted and we need to adjust but to continue with our mission to provide highest quality education. As many educational conferences have been cancelled, we recognize the void this has further created for continuing education credits. and therefore, understand the value of continued education for all of us.
Those of you who planned on coming to visit Philadelphia in June, rest assure that in 2021 we hope to host the meeting as before in the safest way possible for all of us.
We hope that you could join us in June at our great virtual meeting !
Please do not assume that your colleagues are on our mailing list!
Be sure to share this opportunity with others!
Tell Someone!
You may contact us at any time at:
Email: prenataldiagnosis@
Phone: (215) 627-2229 or (484) 795-8877
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