BMS “From late reproductive life to early menopause”
Dear colleagues,
We invite you for the upcoming meeting of the Belgian Menopause Society.
Since we don’t know how the pandemic will evolve, we foresee currently both a
“From late reproductive life to early menopause”
On SATURDAY, October 23 2021 at 9:00 AM (CEST)
Accreditation has been requested
9-9.40 AM : Fundamental medicine: Estetrol, a novel spectrum of estrogenic actions.
Experimental data: what to expect from this molecule ?
Dr C Pequeux (U-Liège)
9.40-10 AM : Discussion
10 AM : Coffee Break and visit of the booths***
10.30-11 AM : Perimenopause & quality of life: What are the patients’ needs ?
Prof Axelle Pintiaux (U-Liège)
11-11.30 AM : Safety issues during the perimenopause and how to assess them ?
Prof Serge Rozenberg (ULB-VUB)
11.30-12 AM : Climacteric efficacy during the perimenopause ?
Prof Herman Depypere (U-Gent)
12 AM-1 PM: General Discussion & Conclusions
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